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Optimize and deploy model on Nvidia Triton server#

To better understand the context of this demo, check Hugging Face Transformer inference UNDER 1 millisecond latency

This folder contains scripts to run different benchmarks:

  • query the model with a string
  • query the model directly (without using the tokenizer) with numpy arrays
  • query the model directly (without using the tokenizer) with numpy arrays using only requests library
  • query the tokenizer only
  • FastAPI inference server to compare to Nvidia Triton

Infinity demo information#

In sept 2021, πŸ€— Hugging Face released a new product called Infinity.
It’s described as a server to perform inference at enterprise scale.
The communication is around the promise that the product can perform Transformer inference at 1 millisecond latency on the GPU.

There are very few information about its performances outside this YouTube video:
demo video (Youtube)

According to the demo presenter, πŸ€— Hugging Face Infinity server costs at least πŸ’°20 000$/year for a single model deployed on a single machine (no information is publicly available on price scalability).

In the next parts we will try to compare this open source library with the commercial solution from πŸ€— Hugging Face.

Setup they used for their own demo:

AWS instance GPU model seq len batch size latency
g4dn x.large Nvidia T4 philschmid/MiniLM-L6-H384-uncased-sst2 16 1 1.7ms
g4dn x.large Nvidia T4 philschmid/MiniLM-L6-H384-uncased-sst2 128 1 2.5ms


The purpose of this tutorial is to explain how to heavily optimize a Transformer from Hugging Face and deploy it on a production-ready inference server, end to end.

The performance improvement brought by this process applies to all scenarios, from short sequences to long ones, from a batch of size 1 to large batches. When the architecture is compliant with the expectations of the tools, the process always brings a significant performance boost compared to vanilla PyTorch.

The process is in 3 steps:

  • convert Pytorch model to a graph
  • optimize the graph
  • deploy the graph on a performant inference server

At the end we will compare the performance of our inference server to the numbers shown by πŸ€— Hugging Face during the demo and will see that we are faster for both 16 and 128 tokens input sequences with batch size 1 (as far as I know, πŸ€— Hugging Face has not publicly shared information on other scenarios).

Model optimization#

We will optimize philschmid/MiniLM-L6-H384-uncased-sst2 model from the Hugging Face hub. We will use the 3 backends for that: ONNX Runtime, TensorRT and Pytorch. Usually, ONNX Runtime provide a good trade-off between simplicity and performance, TensorRT the best performances and Pytorch the simplest approach (at least it's the most well known tool).

# add -v $PWD/src:/opt/tritonserver/src to apply source code modification to the container
docker run -it --rm --gpus all \
  -v $PWD:/project \
  bash -c "cd /project && \
    convert_model -m \"philschmid/MiniLM-L6-H384-uncased-sst2\" \
    --backend tensorrt onnx \
    --seq-len 16 128 128"

16 128 128 means that the TensorRT model will optimize for a sequence length between 16 and 128 tokens. Most of the time it's a bad idea to use dynamic axis on sequence length, it makes TensorRT slower. ONNX Runtime don't use this information and it has no impact on it.

After a few minutes, it should display something like this:

Inference done on Tesla T4
[TensorRT (FP16)] mean=1.00ms, sd=0.13ms, min=0.92ms, max=1.34ms, median=0.95ms, 95p=1.31ms, 99p=1.33ms
[ONNX Runtime (vanilla)] mean=1.67ms, sd=0.08ms, min=1.59ms, max=3.48ms, median=1.65ms, 95p=1.85ms, 99p=1.87ms
[ONNX Runtime (optimized)] mean=0.73ms, sd=0.01ms, min=0.71ms, max=0.87ms, median=0.73ms, 95p=0.75ms, 99p=0.76ms
[Pytorch (FP32)] mean=5.13ms, sd=0.06ms, min=5.06ms, max=6.85ms, median=5.13ms, 95p=5.18ms, 99p=5.22ms
[Pytorch (FP16)] mean=5.39ms, sd=0.10ms, min=5.31ms, max=8.39ms, median=5.39ms, 95p=5.45ms, 99p=5.48ms

interesting to note that ONNX Runtime provide better performances than TensorRT for this setup, it's quite rare...

Models are stored in newly generated ./triton_models/ folder.
Subfolders contain templates for Nvidia Triton server.

Launch Nvidia Triton inference server#

⚠️WARNING⚠️: if you have generated the models outside the Docker container, check that your TensorRT version is the same than the Triton backend one.

Launch Nvidia Triton inference server:

# add --shm-size 256m -> to have up to 4 Python backends (tokenizer) at the same time (64Mb per instance) 
docker run -it --rm --gpus all -p8000:8000 -p8001:8001 -p8002:8002 --shm-size 256m \
  -v $PWD/triton_models:/models \
  bash -c "pip install transformers && tritonserver --model-repository=/models"

As you can see we install Transformers and then launch the server itself. This is of course a bad practice, you should make your own 2 lines Dockerfile with Transformers inside.

Performance analysis#


  • 16 tokens + TensorRT:

    # need a local installation of the package
    # pip install .[GPU]
    ubuntu@ip-XXX:~/transformer-deploy$ python3 demo/infinity/ --length 16 --model tensorrt
    10/31/2021 12:09:34 INFO     timing [triton transformers]: mean=1.53ms, sd=0.06ms, min=1.48ms, max=1.78ms, median=1.51ms, 95p=1.66ms, 99p=1.74ms
    [[-3.4355469  3.2753906]]

  • 128 tokens + TensorRT:

    ubuntu@ip-XXX:~/transformer-deploy$ python3 demo/infinity/ --length 128 --model tensorrt
    10/31/2021 12:12:00 INFO     timing [triton transformers]: mean=1.96ms, sd=0.08ms, min=1.88ms, max=2.24ms, median=1.93ms, 95p=2.17ms, 99p=2.23ms
    [[-3.4589844  3.3027344]]

There is also a performance analysis tool provided by Nvidia called perf_analyzer

# perf_analyzer needs this dependency
sudo apt install libb64-dev
# add -a for async measures, and -i grpc to use that protocol instead of http 
~/.local/bin/perf_analyzer -m transformer_tensorrt_inference \
  --percentile=95 \
  --string-data "This live event is great. I will sign-up for Infinity." \
  --shape TEXT:1 \
  --concurrency-range 1:4 \
  -i grpc \
  -a \
  -f perf.csv

# just test the model part (easier to get random input)
~/.local/bin/perf_analyzer --input-data zero -m transformer_tensorrt_model \
  --shape input_ids:1,128 \
  --shape attention_mask:1,128 \
  --shape token_type_ids:1,128 \
  --concurrency-range 1:4 \
  -i grpc \
  -a \
  -f perf.csv

The tool need to be run on Ubuntu >= 20.04 (and won't work on Ubuntu 18.04 used for the AWS official Ubuntu deep learning image)

Model analyzer#

Model analyzer is a powerful tool to adjust the Triton server configuration. To run it:

docker run -it --rm --gpus all -v $PWD:/project \
  bash -c "model-analyzer profile -f /project/demo/infinity/config_analyzer.yaml"

FastAPI server baseline#

This is our baseline, easy to run, but not very performant.

# launch server, disable logging for best performances
python3 -m uvicorn --log-level warning demo.infinity.fast_api_server_onnx:app --port 8000 --host
# other variation, 1 worker per CPU for best latency (plus not a good idea to have several times the same model on a single GPU):
python3 -m gunicorn -w 1 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --log-level warning demo.infinity.fast_api_server_onnx --bind

# simple inference timing
time curl -G --data-urlencode query="This live event is great. I will sign-up for Infinity." localhost:8000/predict
# slightly more serious measure
sudo apt-get install linux-tools-common linux-tools-generic linux-tools-`uname -r`
sudo perf stat -r 50 -d curl -G --data-urlencode query="This live event is great. I will sign-up for Infinity." localhost:8000/predict -s > /dev/null

It should produce:

Performance counter stats for 'curl -G --data-urlencode query=This live event is great. I will sign-up for Infinity. localhost:8000/predict' (50 runs):

              6.14 msec task-clock                #    0.494 CPUs utilized            ( +-  0.59% )
                 3      context-switches          #    0.462 K/sec                    ( +-  1.84% )
                 0      cpu-migrations            #    0.000 K/sec                  
               577      page-faults               #    0.094 M/sec                    ( +-  0.06% )
   <not supported>      cycles                                                      
   <not supported>      instructions                                                
   <not supported>      branches                                                    
   <not supported>      branch-misses                                               
   <not supported>      L1-dcache-loads                                             
   <not supported>      L1-dcache-load-misses                                       
   <not supported>      LLC-loads                                                   
   <not supported>      LLC-load-misses                                             

         0.0124429 +- 0.0000547 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  0.44% )