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Generate Nvidia Triton server configuration files.

Configuration (ABC) #

Source code in src/transformer_deploy/triton/
class Configuration(ABC):

    engine_type: Optional[EngineType]
    python_code: Optional[str]

    def __init__(
        working_directory: str,
        model_name_base: str,
        dim_output: List[int],
        nb_instance: int,
        tensor_input_names: List[str],
        device: str,
        Configuration file setup.
        :param working_directory: path to the working directory
        :param model_name_base: model name to use (used to call TensorRT API)
        :param dim_output: number of tensor outputs
        :param nb_instance: number of parallel instances to use. Mainly useful to optimize CPU inference.
        :param tensor_input_names: input names expected by the model
        :param device: where perform is done. One of [cpu, cuda]
        self.model_name_base = model_name_base
        self.dim_output = dim_output
        assert nb_instance > 0, f"nb_instance=={nb_instance}: nb model instances should be positive"
        self.nb_instance = nb_instance
        self.tensor_input_names = tensor_input_names
        self.working_dir: Path = Path(working_directory)
        self.device_kind = "KIND_GPU" if device == "cuda" else "KIND_CPU"

    def python_folder_name(self) -> str:
        raise Exception("to implement")

    def _get_tokens(self) -> str:
        Generate input tensor configuration
        :return: input tensor configuration string
        result: List[str] = list()
        for input_name in self.tensor_input_names:
            text = f"""
    name: "{input_name}"
    data_type: TYPE_INT32
    dims: [-1, -1]
        return ",\n".join(result)

    def model_name(self) -> str:
        assert self.engine_type is not None
        return self.model_name_base + ("_onnx" if self.engine_type == EngineType.ONNX else "_tensorrt")

    def model_folder_name(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.model_name}_model"

    def inference_folder_name(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.model_name}_inference"

    def inference_platform(self) -> str:
        if self.engine_type == EngineType.ONNX:
            return "onnxruntime_onnx"
        elif self.engine_type == EngineType.TensorRT:
            return "tensorrt_plan"
            raise Exception(f"unknown model type: {self.engine_type}")

    def _instance_group(self) -> str:
        Generate instance configuration.
        :return: instance configuration
        return f"""
instance_group [
      count: {self.nb_instance}
      kind: {self.device_kind}

    def _get_header(name: str, platform: Optional[str] = None, backend: Optional[str] = None):
        assert platform is not None or backend is not None
        text = f"""
name: "{name}"
max_batch_size: 0
        if platform is not None:
            text += f'\nplatform: "{platform}"'
        if backend is not None:
            text += f'\nbackend: "{backend}"'
        return text

    def get_model_conf(self) -> str:
        Generate model configuration.
        :return: model configuration
        return f"""
name: "{self.model_folder_name}"
max_batch_size: 0
platform: "{self.inference_platform}"
default_model_filename: "model.bin"

input [

output {{
    name: "output"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: {str(self.dim_output)}


    def create_configs(
        self, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer, config: PretrainedConfig, model_path: str, engine_type: EngineType
    ) -> None:
        Create Triton configuration folder layout, generate configuration files, generate/move artefacts, etc.
        :param tokenizer: tokenizer to use
        :param config: tranformer model config to use
        :param model_path: main folder where to save configurations and artefacts
        :param engine_type: type of inference engine (ONNX or TensorRT)
        self.engine_type = engine_type
        target = self.working_dir.joinpath(self.python_folder_name).joinpath("1")
        target.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        model_folder_path = self.working_dir.joinpath(self.model_folder_name).joinpath("1")
        model_folder_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        shutil.copy(model_path, os.path.join(model_folder_path, "model.bin"))

__init__(self, working_directory, model_name_base, dim_output, nb_instance, tensor_input_names, device) special #

Configuration file setup.


Name Type Description Default
working_directory str

path to the working directory

model_name_base str

model name to use (used to call TensorRT API)

dim_output List[int]

number of tensor outputs

nb_instance int

number of parallel instances to use. Mainly useful to optimize CPU inference.

tensor_input_names List[str]

input names expected by the model

device str

where perform is done. One of [cpu, cuda]

Source code in src/transformer_deploy/triton/
def __init__(
    working_directory: str,
    model_name_base: str,
    dim_output: List[int],
    nb_instance: int,
    tensor_input_names: List[str],
    device: str,
    Configuration file setup.
    :param working_directory: path to the working directory
    :param model_name_base: model name to use (used to call TensorRT API)
    :param dim_output: number of tensor outputs
    :param nb_instance: number of parallel instances to use. Mainly useful to optimize CPU inference.
    :param tensor_input_names: input names expected by the model
    :param device: where perform is done. One of [cpu, cuda]
    self.model_name_base = model_name_base
    self.dim_output = dim_output
    assert nb_instance > 0, f"nb_instance=={nb_instance}: nb model instances should be positive"
    self.nb_instance = nb_instance
    self.tensor_input_names = tensor_input_names
    self.working_dir: Path = Path(working_directory)
    self.device_kind = "KIND_GPU" if device == "cuda" else "KIND_CPU"

create_configs(self, tokenizer, config, model_path, engine_type) #

Create Triton configuration folder layout, generate configuration files, generate/move artefacts, etc.


Name Type Description Default
tokenizer PreTrainedTokenizer

tokenizer to use

config PretrainedConfig

tranformer model config to use

model_path str

main folder where to save configurations and artefacts

engine_type EngineType

type of inference engine (ONNX or TensorRT)

Source code in src/transformer_deploy/triton/
def create_configs(
    self, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer, config: PretrainedConfig, model_path: str, engine_type: EngineType
) -> None:
    Create Triton configuration folder layout, generate configuration files, generate/move artefacts, etc.
    :param tokenizer: tokenizer to use
    :param config: tranformer model config to use
    :param model_path: main folder where to save configurations and artefacts
    :param engine_type: type of inference engine (ONNX or TensorRT)
    self.engine_type = engine_type
    target = self.working_dir.joinpath(self.python_folder_name).joinpath("1")
    target.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    model_folder_path = self.working_dir.joinpath(self.model_folder_name).joinpath("1")
    model_folder_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    shutil.copy(model_path, os.path.join(model_folder_path, "model.bin"))

get_model_conf(self) #

Generate model configuration.


Type Description

model configuration

Source code in src/transformer_deploy/triton/
    def get_model_conf(self) -> str:
        Generate model configuration.
        :return: model configuration
        return f"""
name: "{self.model_folder_name}"
max_batch_size: 0
platform: "{self.inference_platform}"
default_model_filename: "model.bin"

input [

output {{
    name: "output"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: {str(self.dim_output)}


EngineType (Enum) #

Type of model to use

Source code in src/transformer_deploy/triton/
class EngineType(Enum):
    Type of model to use

    ONNX = 1
    TensorRT = 2