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Some theory#

A (very) short intro to INT-8 quantization#

Basic idea behind model quantization is to replace tensors made of float numbers (usually encoded on 32 bits) by lower precision representation (integers encoded on 8 bits for Nvidia GPUs). Therefore computation is faster and model memory footprint is lower. Making tensor storage smaller makes memory transfer faster... and is also a source of computation acceleration. This approach is very interesting for its trade-off: you reduce inference time significantly, and it costs close to nothing in accuracy.

Replacing float numbers by integers is done through a mapping. This step is called calibration, and its purpose is to compute for each tensor or each channel of a tensor (one of its dimensions) a range covering most weights and then define a scale and a distribution center to map float numbers to 8 bits integers.

There are several ways to perform quantization, depending of how and when the calibration is performed:

  • dynamically: the mapping is done online, during the inference, there are some overhead but it's usually the easiest to leverage, end user has very few configuration to set,
  • statically, after training (post training quantization or PTQ): this way is efficient because quantization is done offline, before inference, but it may have an accuracy cost,
  • statically, after training (quantization aware training or QAT): like a PTQ followed by a second fine tuning. Same efficiency but usually slightly better accuracy.

Nvidia GPUs don't support dynamic quantization, CPU supports all types of quantization.
Compared to PTQ, QAT better preserves accuracy and should be preferred in most cases.

During the quantization aware training:

  • in the inside, Pytorch will train with high precision float numbers,
  • on the outside, Pytorch will simulate that a quantization has already been applied and output results accordingly (for loss computation for instance)

The simulation process is done through the add of quantization / dequantization nodes, most often called QDQ, it's an abbreviation you will see often in the quantization world.

Want to learn more about quantization?

Why does it matter?#

CPU quantization is supported out of the box by Pytorch and ONNX Runtime. GPU quantization on the other side requires specific tools and process to be applied.

In the specific case of Transformer models, few demos from Nvidia and Microsoft exist; they are all for the old vanilla Bert architecture.

It doesn't support modern architectures out of the box, like Albert, Roberta, Deberta or Electra.