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Use Docker if you don't want to install all Nvidia dependencies (for a first try for instance).
In the long term, local install is probably a better idea.

6 rules to install locally Nvidia dependencies

You may have heard or experienced difficulties in installing Nvidia dependencies, or making them detected by your system. If you are on Debian / Ubuntu, it should be easy.

1st rule: don't follow install guides found on reddit, blogs, etc. they are never up to date

2nd rule: don't follow install guides from Nvidia dependency manual, they are not always up to date

3rd rule: only follow install guides from Nvidia downlad pages, they are the only ones with updated instructions

4th rule: uninstall all your Nvidia dependencies not coming directly from a Nvidia repo (including the Ubuntu driver)
and reinstall them from Nvidia repositories

5th rule: if your OS version is recent and not listed in compatible/tested OS of a dependency, just take the dependency tested latest OS version, it will work otherwise Twitter/forums would be full of complaints.

6th rule: choose the network .deb option when possible (meaning add a repo to get updates). Local .deb means manual update.

The list of dependencies you will need to run this library locally:

Optional, to run this library from Docker (so you don't have to install all other dependencies):

You may need to login with a free Nvidia account to download some dependencies.

Then, it's the usual git clone:

git clone
cd transformer-deploy
  • for CPU/GPU support:
pip3 install ".[GPU]" -f --extra-index-url
# if you want to perform GPU quantization (recommended):
pip3 install git+ssh://\&subdirectory=tools/pytorch-quantization/
# if you want to accelerate dense embeddings extraction:
pip install sentence-transformers
  • for CPU only support:
pip3 install ".[CPU]" -f
# if you want to accelerate dence embeddings extraction:
pip install sentence-transformers

To build your own version of the Docker image:

make docker_build